Betty Moore Watercolors

Welcome to Betty Moore Watercolors

Friday, October 10, 2014

Seagulls and Tupelo Honey

  How does a seagull painting and the Van Morrison song Tupelo Honey get on the same page?  I don't know, this guy just takes me back to the song.  I was 17 years old when I first heard it.   The song stirs up lots of emotions, old feelings.  Anyway, the bird is "sweet as Tupelo honey" to me, and to get that feeling from one of my paintings is "alright with me"
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Van Morrison
Tupelo Honey

Saturday, August 23, 2014

I like the way you make me feel!

I have to say it,  I just love a white bird with an orange beak against a soft turquoise back ground.  Yes, I can paint different colored birds.  And yes, I can paint other back ground colors and scenes. And yes, I can paint a gray life like beak.  But I LIKE a white bird with an orange beak with
a soft turquoise back ground!    They make me feel good.

Available in my Etsy shop
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Friday, August 8, 2014

In a pickle

Well, you might say I have been in a pickle concerning my painting blog.  I don't know why I was not the administrator for a period (which is why I haven't been blogging), or really why I am now, but anyway, I am glad to be back!  Speaking of pickles... I have painted some garden pieces lately!  I took some nice photos at a nearby garden, and today I want to share the cucumber painting with you.  I guess I like simple things, because this lone cucumber was just fantastic to me.  When I saw it hanging on the vine I knew it would be a painting. 
 Available in my Etsy shop
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A sign from above

My Dad was a fox hunter.  The fox never got caught in a hunt, it was just pursued by the hounds for sport.  The gist of the hunt was to listen to the dogs bark as they chased the fox.  I was raised to believe that foxes were special and loved animals.  And oh so beautiful.  The red fox, not much surpasses that rich color and sleek body.  Getting a glimpse of a fox has always been special to me.  Last Friday, at a time that felt like a real low in my life I was heading out to my truck with a heavy heart.   As I trudged along I looked up to see an amazing red fox traveling slowly through the field across the road.  I stood in awe as he passed out of sight.   And as he disappeared I felt lighter, instantly more positive, having received the message "life is good, just look around and know things happen as they should".
My folks raised me to expect good things, but every now and then I still need some encouragement from them.  And once again, I got a sign from above.  And life is good.
Than you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blue Eyes

The weather took a bit of a turn today, a cold snap I think you might say.  I had to close the windows and turn the heat on in the house.  I must say that made me a bit sad.  Perhaps that is what led me back to the Florida vacation pictures that I took in March.   Those pelicans, I got some really good photos of them.  And better yet, I got to study them closely.  They just sat VERY still and while they seemed somewhat cautious, they pretty much let me move in close and get acquainted with them.  I really enjoyed seeing their eyes up close.  Crystal blue eyes with pink surrounding them.  So pretty.  I painted a close up of this one.  The long beak and silver back was interesting, but I really wanted to show the eye.  I like him.

This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for joining me in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Heart full of soul

     I grew up with the kitchen radio on the local AM station broadcasting stock reports, obituaries and the swapshop.  Mom and Dad had control of the radio, so I was driving before I really got into music.  My husband still can't believe I had never heard of the Yardbirds, his favorite British group in 1964.  First of all, I was only 9 years old in 1964.  I was playing with baby dolls and jacks.  I am finally into Yardbirds.  Well, birds...watercolor birds.  The Yardbirds had a hit "Heart full of soul".   I think my bird has a heart full of soul too.  Look at that eye, he's got soul. 
Painting is available in my Etsy shop
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In a row

When I am in Florida I love to watch the birds.   I know there is a huge amount of beautiful blue water, endless sky, awesome boats, swaying palm trees and gaggles of interesting people but I like to watch the birds.  I am so impressed by their calm passing of time, just sitting.  They do a little grooming, take a nap, squawk some, but mostly just sit.  Just sitting in the sun.  I love to see several of them occupying the same railing or deck.  They sit for a while then calmly fly away, moving on to the next spot where they sit.  I painted this watercolor from a photo I took in Florida recently.  It gives me a very peaceful feeling.  I hope you enjoy it too. 
Painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, April 21, 2014

Country Cousin

Country Cousin is another sweet little seagull painted from my friend Jared's photos.   Soft grays and browns of the seagull against the soft aqua and old gold gives this painting a vintage feel much like Cottage gull that I painted recently.   I think they look like they must be at least cousins!  I hope you enjoy these sweet birds.

Painting is available for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Paint like it's 1982

I bought my first original piece of art in 1982.  A flowering cactus watercolor.  A simple painting with just a bit of the cactus with 3 little yellow blooms.  I LOVED that painting.  It hung on my wall for the next 30 years.  I can tell you that I looked at that painting many times and thought "I wish I could paint like that".  I allowed life to push my desire to paint back for a long time.  I have been painting with watercolors for about two years now and oh what a joy.  Today I decided to paint like it's 1982.  I like it. 
Painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Gotta love a good goose

Sometimes a goose is a bad thing.  This time the goose is a good thing.  Gary Richardson took a fantastic photograph of a white goose.  Thank you, Gary for letting me paint this beauty.  I see geese on the lake often, but I have never seen one like this.   With some research I learned that this is a White Chinese Goose.  The snowy white feathers, blue eye with orange rim and awesome orange bill with a large knob makes this guy OUTSTANDING in my book.  I am pretty sure I will paint this bird again, so be alert, you never know when you might get your next goose!  
This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Goodbye Benton, hello Holland

I am so thrilled to be sending one of my paintings to Holland!  Every sale is a treat to me, it just tickles me to pieces when people want to buy my art.  But this painting is going all the way to the Netherlands!  My friend Di Winson provided the outstanding photograph of the orange pepper, thank you again, Di.  I sent three paintings to Baton Rouge,  Louisiana this morning and three to Edmond Oklahoma earlier this week.  I love getting to share my paintings!  
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cottage Seagull

Well, what a sweet little seagull came to my house!  This is from another one of my friend Jared's photos.  Thank you Jared.  Something about this little guy gives him a "cottage" feel to me.  My soft aqua background with some old gold behind the grays and browns of the bird is so peaceful.  I think he nearly has an antique look, vintage at least.  I have painted quite a few seagulls, and each one is different.  I like this one.
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Perfect subject - Diver

 I got some new watercolor paint this week.  I had not gotten any in a while.  I bought tons when I first started using watercolors and realized I actually just use about 4 tubes 90% of the time.  But sometime you just need a treat.  I ordered a red-orange and a blue-green in a brand that I really like.  Red-orange and blue-green were my favorites in the crayola box in grade school, those colors are still favorites of mine today.  It was a gift when I looked at some photographs from my friend Jared who is currently living in Florida.  The perfect subject for my new red-orange was in the photographs!  I even snuck some blue-green in the white of the bird.  Thanks Jared Whitehead!

This painting is available in my Etsy shop

Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Double take

Another Florida pelican, I love those big birds.  One evening there were several pelicans swimming near a dock I was on, the water was very still.  I did not realize what fantastic reflections I got til I studied the photographs.  I was blown away when I saw the reflection of the pelican's eyes.  This is great fun for me!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just another day in Paradise

Lounging in the sun on a dock surrounded by water, palm trees and sand, that is pretty much paradise in my book.   Well, this guy does it everyday I expect.  I photographed him recently and could hardly wait to paint him.  He makes me happy!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Ice

Ok, yes, my first painting from my Florida trip is dead fish.  But not just dead fish, beautiful dead fish!  A trip to the fresh seafood market for supper one evening was a trememdous treat for me!   It rated right up there at the top of the list.  The fish were beautiful.  The red snappers all in a row on ice were my favorite.  Shiny scales and those indigo blue eyes, well it might not be normal, but I loved them.  Rest assured I have lots of birds waiting to be painted, but the fish on ice were first.  I am thinking I will paint red snappers again.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Have Pelican will paint

I have spent the last week in lovely Florida.  Sun, sand, palm trees and BIRDS!!!  I saw lots and lots of wonderful birds.  Pelicans, Egrets, Herons, Seagulls, Sandpipers, they were great.  I loved getting to study them in action.  And so many are accustomed to the people and are comfortable with letting you get real close.  I got some good pictures and am super charged about painting these guys.  Here's a Pelican you can bet will be on paper soon!
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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Me and Booker T

Booker T and the MGs did "Green Onions"  in 1962.  Me, I did them in 2014!   My husband took the photo about 15 years ago, I decided it was time to use it for a watercolor.  Can you say A WHOLE LOT OF GREEN?   I actually did this watercolor with a different approach which helped since about 95 percent of the painting was green.  I usually paint all of one color pretty much at the same time.  I decided to paint one small section (one onion) at a time.  I was able to get the variation in the green this way, I did not start with a large amount of green ready to paint, but rather mixed the green for each onion individually.  That took a while longer, but it was a good experience.  Here's my green onions, Booker T's follows!
Painting is for sale in my Etsy Shop
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Little Woodpecker

 I usually paint larger birds, but I couldn't pass up this little guy.  My friend Dave took the photograph of this Downy Woodpecker.  The Downy Woodpecker is the smallest woodpecker in North America.  Sweet little guy!
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Farewell to Dorothy

It's eerie how things happen sometimes.  This was one of those times. 
I met Dorothy over 30 years ago.  Wonderful lady, my friend's mother.  Dorothy was fun, interesting and my friend.  She gave me a beautiful, delicate teacup.  That teacup was displayed in my home for the next 30+ years.  A few months ago I received the call that the teacup had been broken while I wasn't home.  "It's ok" I told the apologetic caller.  I had enjoyed the teacup for many years, I knew I had been fortunate.  When I got home I stacked the pieces, I just couldn't throw them away.  I hadn't seen Dorothy in several years, I knew she hadn't been well.  But she was still my friend, and the teacup still dear to me.  Well, here is the eerie part.  A bit of time passed and I ran into an older lady friend and she said "you know we lost Dorothy".   No, I didn't know.  Her passing very closely coincided with the breaking of the teacup.  Now, I am not one to look for meaning in every event, but this was funny to me.  A little eerie.  I felt like it had been my goodbye from Dorothy.  Recently when I was cleaning house I once again dusted the broken teacup, and thought I should throw it away.  I decided to paint the pieces.  This is my farewell to Dorothy.  Maybe now I will let the broken pieces go, maybe.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Strength in the face of a storm

 According to legend, the ibis is the last sign of wildlife to take shelter before a hurricane hits and the first to reappear once the storm has passed.  A bird that has the guts to hang in there when the going gets rough.  My friend Dave, the photographer, is strong like that too.  He is watching the storm of his life roll in, and is taking advantage of every minute before it hits.  He is working and playing and singing and smiling and loving and going and doing.   Here's hoping the coming hurricane never makes land! 
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What...the flock?

No, we have not had a flock of blue herons fly in, and I am not giving up my seagulls.  I know I painted a blue heron just yesterday but I wanted to revisit him while it was fresh!  I like to paint the birds to my liking of course, usually making them more colorful, lighter or whatever it takes to make them sweet, happy or interesting to me.  Yesterday's blue heron was pretty to me.  That is important.   I think this guy is attractive as well, but I did give him a more realistic look.  I love the blue heron's eyes, so intense.   Hope you like him!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blue Heron Day

It was a blue heron day.  Not the blue heron on the dock day, but photos of that bird becoming a painting day.  And that is not bad.  It's been a long winter, and I am looking forward to sitting on the patio days watching the lake birds.  This heron is brighter than the guy in the photo, but he looks summery, and that is what I needed today!  I hope you enjoy him.
this painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Friday, February 14, 2014


Composed definition, calm; tranquil; serene.  Such nice words.  Calm, tranquil, serene.  Who doesn't want that.  I don't fully understand it, but painting seagulls helps me stay composed.  True with most of my watercolor painting, but the seagulls always do it.  The quiet colors, the bird's demeanor, and the memories of peaceful time at the beach always equates to calm, tranquil and serene for me.  I can nearly hear the ocean rolling in, rolling out.  That calming constant that always seems to bring life into perspective.  With all of that said, I have to admit I used "Compose blue" for the background color in this piece and that is how he got his name.  But it did get me to thinking about what painting does for me, and that is good!
Painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The sunshine is sure welcome here in Southern Illinois today.  The cold and snow and gray has been making it difficult for me to continue to pretend that I live on the gulf coast of Florida!  But I'm back there today with the sunshine!  Once again I went to the photos that I took at the sailboat marina near my home here in Southern Illinois and once again, I found the perfect model.  He stands alone without frills or props, rather handsome I would say.  He just didn't need anything.  I hope you enjoy him!
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Movin' on

These long legs are movin' on, this guy looks like he has places to go.  I love painting the birds that I see on the lake that I live on here in Southern Illinois.  The lake is frozen right now, so I guess I am "movin' on" in my mind, looking toward warm weather again.  Blue skies and big birds, it's going to be a good one!  I included a picture of this guy in a 16 x 20 mat propped in my studio to give you a better idea of his size.
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
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Friday, February 7, 2014

Longhorns and local wine

An afternoon trip to a local winery recently included encountering longhorns!  What a treat for me.  I don't know that I had ever seen any.  At first the long horns made the cattle look a bit threatening, but they hardly made a move as we studied them and took photos.  The white one never got up from her lying position on the ground.   My goal was to capture the calm, gentle nature of the large, spectacular animals. 

This painting is available in my Etsy shop
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I got work to do!

I grew up in a chicken world.  Every spring my folks got 100-200 baby chicks, they became "fryers".  We always had the hens too.  Big white hens usually, that's where the eggs came from.  There was always a rooster around too, but the hens were the ones that produced.  I'm just saying...
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Feeling Blue

When I start a bird painting I'm not sure what is going to happen.  I work from photos of seagulls that I took at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinois.  Lots of photos of the seagulls in different postures, turned different directions, head up, head down, eyes open, eyes closed.  I start with the photo and change it around and try to let that particular painting evolve.  When I am able to do that, the bird really develops his own personality.  Some are sweet and soft, others not very nice guys.  Some are sleepy, others very alert.  This little guy seems to be feeling blue.  Not exactly sad, there isn't anything thing really wrong, things just aren't right.   Just feeling blue.
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
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I still love you

I still love you.  There, I said it, I love him.  I have loved only a few of my paintings.  It is interesting, while you are working on the painting, you can't really see it.  It's not till you have walked away and come back that you know.  And when those come along it is never  "I AM AWESOME! LOOK  AT WHAT I PAINTED!"  No, it is..."oh my gosh, I love you".  Yes, it makes me whisper.  I don't know that one painting is any better than another,  it's just the way it makes me feel that causes me to love it.  I know that these paintings are gifts to me, and I accept them graciously.    
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stranger in the Night

I see this guy nearly every night at the lake (when it isn't frozen).  Haven't had a formal introduction, but I feel like I know him.   He is not particularly friendly,  he stands in the shallow water, and never looks my way or makes a move as I drive by.  He is a familiar stanger in the night, but still a stranger.  I've never seen him in the light of day, so I painted him pretty much as I have seen him.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
 This painting has sold
going to a new home on Vashon Island Washington
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 30 of 30 paintings in 30 days!!! "Big Deal"

Hey, I made it!  I completed the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!  Today's painting  "BIG DEAL"
because this challenge has been a big deal for me!  I have really pushed myself to try some new techniques and step outside my comfort zone a bit.  I still love the birds.  I like to paint them soft and sweet with a calming background.  To celebrate the end of the challenge and my continued love of painting the seagulls, I painted Big Deal today and he is BIG.  Much larger than my ususal paintings, measuring 20" x 20"!  That is a large watercolor in my books.  I painted my beloved sweet and soft guy, just big.  Thank you to all that have followed me through this challenge, the support has been appreciated.  I invite you to continue to follow my blog as I will be posting new paintings.  LIKE my facebook watercolor page too for updates
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Just to give you an idea of Big Deal's size
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 29 of 30 in 30 days "Picture Day"

Wow, day 29 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!  This has been a good experience for me.  I sure appreciate the support and encouragement that I received along the way!  Thank you.  Today, "Picture Day", more of a bird portrait I would say.  This guy looks rather handsome posing for this shot.  My soft turquoise background and soft grays with an occasional spot of color keeps him calm and peaceful. 
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 28 of 30 paintings in 30 days "Day Dreamer"

Well, it is day 28 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge that I am participating in through January.  I painted a new little friend today, "Day Dreamer".  This seagull was painted from a photo that I took at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinois.  I think he looks like he is dreaming of where he might fly away to next.  Definitely mulling around some options in his mind.  I can relate.
This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 27 of 30 in 30 days "Nodding Off"

This is day 27 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge through January.  Today, "Nodding Off".    I painted this little guy from a photo that I took at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinos.  Of course there wasn't really a turquoise sky or water, but I like turquoise.   And I like to paint birds soft and sweet.  I like this little guy, hope you do too!
This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 26 of 30 in 30 days "Tips"

Well, here we are on day 26 of this 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!  Back to the bottles,  "tips"  today.  I have had fun painting the bottles, they really allow me to loosen up and just paint!  the tops are in shadow, the tips name comes from that (still making references to hair, just 'cause I started with it).   Indigo bottles and nice red orange labels make a really strong statement to me.  These bottles are saying  "here we are, and we feel good"!  I guess you had to be there to get that, but in stepping past my usual conservative ways with painting, that is what I see.  Thanks again for following me through this month, just a few days left! 
   This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 25 of 30 in 30 days "Seagulls again"

Okay!  Day 25 of 30 paintings in 30 days.  "Seagulls again" today.  I like to paint seagulls.  Seagulls and the ocean just go hand in hand to me.  Even though I took this photo at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinois, the seagulls took me a little closer to the ocean than Rend Lake!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 24 of 30 in 30 "Tex"

Day 24 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!!!   Today's painting is "Tex".  Thank you to Rita Arcieri for the photo of this stately Pelican.  You just have to respect (or fear) a guy with this attitude, he's pretty serious looking.  I hope you enjoy him.

 This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 23 of 30 in 30 days "Trumpeter"

This is day 23 of the Thirty paintings in 30 days through January challenge that I am participating in.  Yesterday my painting was "guests on the lake"  a number of huge swans like the ones I saw on the lake where I live.  Today, a single Trumpeter Swan.  These swans were just huge and regal, and honestly a sight to behold.   I hope you enjoy the paintings of the swans.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 22 of 30 in 30 "Guests on the Lake"

Day 22 of thirty paintings in 30 days through January.  Today "Guests on the Lake".  I got to see the Trumpeter Swans on Lake Benton.  I had heard that they were here, our guests.  I counted 13 of the huge birds gliding about with no concern for me.  It was a very moving experience.  I know they won't stay for long, they are just guests.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 21 of 30 in 30 days "Lucky"

Today is #21 of 30 paintings in 30 days.  My painting for today is "Lucky".  Another seagull, and again, I feel lucky to be painting!  The white birds are just my favorites.  I saw the birds standing on the ice on the lake today, lots of them.  I hope to paint some of them this week!
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 20 of 30 paintings in 30 days "Destin blue"

Day 20 of 30 paintings in 30 days through January.  Today's painting "Destin Blue".  Another painting from my Destin vacation photos.  This blue heron was standing on top of a shed on the road to Dewey Destin Seafood, same place I took the seagull/tern "Dewey" that I painted a couple of days ago.  There were several of these large birds, I loved seeing them up close.  I used a very transparent watercolor technique for this painting, keeping it soft and using bright pleasing colors rather than the actual grays and blues of the bird (which I also love). 
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 19 of 30 paintings in 30 days "Rose colored Destin"

This is day 19 of thirty paintings in 30 days, a challenge I am doing in the month of January.  Today's painting "rose colored Destin".  This past winter a trip to Destin Florida found it gray and overcast most of the time.  We did not get to see the beautiful cool blue waters that are common there.  BUT, we were on vacation, and we were at the ocean, so we pretty much were looking at the world through rose colored glasses.  Not much is bad when you can hear the ocean.  So, as I looked through the vacation pics I thought I would show you the site from our balcony!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 18 of 30 in 30 "Dewey"

This is day 18 of 30 paintings in 30 days through January.  Today "Dewey".  I took this photo in Destin last March, outside of Dewey Destin Seafood.  Now this is the way to live, sunning on the bay!  If you know my work, you know I have painted quite a few seagulls.  I just don't get tired of them, they are a symbol of vacation to me.  I even enjoy the ones in town in the big parking lots!  So, I hope you enjoy Dewey and I have some more vacation paintings coming up so come back!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
The real Dewey
Thank you for sharing in the little slice of my life

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 17 of 30 in 30 "Up top"

Today is day 17 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge I am doing through January.  Today, another Pelican from my friend Dave.  This guy is on a roof top, taking everything in.  I love how calm these big birds appear, then when they have had enough they fly away.  This painting is a little larger, 10 x 13, but actually a study for a larger yet painting!  A large painting is a little scary, but I am pushing myself during this challenge, so watch for the MEGA PELICAN!  I could have said lol after that, but that's not me.  Anyway, I am so enjoying painting and I hope you are enjoying following me as I paint through January (I hope you continue after January too).
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life