Betty Moore Watercolors

Welcome to Betty Moore Watercolors

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Double take

Another Florida pelican, I love those big birds.  One evening there were several pelicans swimming near a dock I was on, the water was very still.  I did not realize what fantastic reflections I got til I studied the photographs.  I was blown away when I saw the reflection of the pelican's eyes.  This is great fun for me!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just another day in Paradise

Lounging in the sun on a dock surrounded by water, palm trees and sand, that is pretty much paradise in my book.   Well, this guy does it everyday I expect.  I photographed him recently and could hardly wait to paint him.  He makes me happy!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Ice

Ok, yes, my first painting from my Florida trip is dead fish.  But not just dead fish, beautiful dead fish!  A trip to the fresh seafood market for supper one evening was a trememdous treat for me!   It rated right up there at the top of the list.  The fish were beautiful.  The red snappers all in a row on ice were my favorite.  Shiny scales and those indigo blue eyes, well it might not be normal, but I loved them.  Rest assured I have lots of birds waiting to be painted, but the fish on ice were first.  I am thinking I will paint red snappers again.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Have Pelican will paint

I have spent the last week in lovely Florida.  Sun, sand, palm trees and BIRDS!!!  I saw lots and lots of wonderful birds.  Pelicans, Egrets, Herons, Seagulls, Sandpipers, they were great.  I loved getting to study them in action.  And so many are accustomed to the people and are comfortable with letting you get real close.  I got some good pictures and am super charged about painting these guys.  Here's a Pelican you can bet will be on paper soon!
Thanks for sharing in this little slice of my life

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Me and Booker T

Booker T and the MGs did "Green Onions"  in 1962.  Me, I did them in 2014!   My husband took the photo about 15 years ago, I decided it was time to use it for a watercolor.  Can you say A WHOLE LOT OF GREEN?   I actually did this watercolor with a different approach which helped since about 95 percent of the painting was green.  I usually paint all of one color pretty much at the same time.  I decided to paint one small section (one onion) at a time.  I was able to get the variation in the green this way, I did not start with a large amount of green ready to paint, but rather mixed the green for each onion individually.  That took a while longer, but it was a good experience.  Here's my green onions, Booker T's follows!
Painting is for sale in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life