Betty Moore Watercolors

Welcome to Betty Moore Watercolors

Monday, November 25, 2013

Calling for answers

When bad things happen to good people I always think WHY?  Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be any answers.   I have a friend who's partner, a beautiful young woman, is fighting breast cancer.  Not a little struggle, but a full blown battle.  I expect they have many questions yet unanswered.  As they face each day unsure what the next day may bring, my heart aches for them.  My watercolor of the vintage telephone is my plea for answers for them. 
The watercolor will be in the silent auction at a fundraiser to help with expenses. 
Prints are available in my Etsy shop with all proceeds going to the fund.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friends old and new

Well, watercolor paintings are really just pieces of paper with paint on them.  But, when you start with a blank piece of paper and just an idea of what you want on the paper, it's kind of like seeing someone you haven't met yet.  Then with lines on the paper, paint on the palette and water in the glass you wet that brush and it's hello, nice to meet you.  Then bit by bit you become more familiar with this new acquaintance.  A bit of blue, and you see something you like in them.  A mix of red and orange and oooooh, they are soooo nice.  The more time spent, the better you get to know them, and before it's over they are your true friend.  Someone you can really relate to.  Someone you feel like you know inside and out.  The painting becomes your friend.  "Against the wind" and I became the best of friends.  I knew just how he felt, and he liked me too!   That's him.
Sometimes friends can't stay around forever, and Against the wind moved on. 
I was really happy to see him go to a new home, I'm sure they love him, my old friend.
So, I have made a new friend.  We got to know each other rather quickly actually.  He is definitely his own person, but something about him reminds me of my old friend.  I like him quite a bit!

Prints of my new friend are available in my Etsy shop
Thanks for sharing this little slice of my life!

Friday, November 15, 2013

What a mess

 As an adult I rarely left my parents' home without some kind of gift.  On occasion maybe I just couldn't use another dozen eggs, or no, I probably wouldn't cook a deer roast.  They liked to give you something though, and I liked that.  This is a pastel that I painted probably in 2004.  The gift that day was a "mess of turnips".  I remember as they were being dug thinking "wow, those are beautiful, I've got to paint them" (I sure wasn't going to eat them).   The painting has hung on my kitchen wall
since then.   I like it more with each passing year.

I'm not sure if it is the colder weather (the turnips would need to be pulled before it frosts) or if I am feeling sentimental with the holidays coming up, but I wanted to paint the turnips again...kind of like going home again.
 Watercolors this time instead of pastels.
Purple on  a vegetable, that is just amazing to me.  This mess was indeed a beautiful gift.
Thanks for sharing this little slice of my life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's a dog's life

It's a dog's life.  What does that really mean?  I have to disagree with the free dictionary meaning that says "something that you say which means that life is hard and unpleasant".    Lucky dogs like Jessica's have a great life I am sure.  I figure as a rule they do pretty much what they want, are well loved and are very happy. 
Chief and Bella
As I continue to work with watercolors I like to try new subjects.   I had never painted a dog, so I thought I would do a little study of these two fine specimens. 
When I do something new it is great fun to see the results, I like these guys! 
Doing what I want to do, well loved, and very happy.
Hey! I'm living a dog's life!
Thanks for sharing this little slice of my life!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lunch at the lake

I have lived on a lake for about two years here in Southern Illinois and have watched the blue herons with awe.  I think they are just magnificent.  I spotted one at the water's edge the other day and fortunately the binoculars were handy.  I was studying him when suddenly right before my eyes he made a swift move of his head into the water and came up with a good size fish!  I was impressed,  I couldn't believe how smoothly he caught it.  THEN... he moved the fish around in his beak til it was head first in his mouth and down it went!  One gulp!  It was a pretty big fish!   Before I got over the impressive act, he got another one, and again, one gulp and it was gone!  Ok, so I guess that is just the way blue herons eat, but it was pretty amazing to watch!  I knew right away I had to paint a heron having lunch at the lake.

Original has sold 
Prints available
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

E is for Eva's Elephant

Felt like playing, really playing with painting today.  Some past projects kept coming to mind.
 A while back I did a watercolor for a special new baby using jungle animals to make his initials,
 A. K. H. to fit into the jungle nursery theme.
I had done some really fun patterning on letters as well, using a fine micro pigment ink pen.  I can't find any pictures of those, one again, was for a new baby, Cooper.  Well, I thought about putting the two together.   Eva is a baby from down the road, so I thought I would do a test project for her.  Combining the patterned letter with a little animal watercolor turned out really sweet. 
This was soooooo much fun.  The fun thing about the patterning is it can go on FOREVER! 
 I was in a hurry, so I had to limit the fun swirls and dots and loops but if I had time I
could have mindlessly played for hours, and it pretty much just gets better and better. 
The little elephant was sweet I thought, soft and babyish. 
I had a great time in just my little world, projecting sweet dreams into a special piece
for a special little one 
Thinking I just might add a new line to my Etsy shop.
Any thoughts?
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!