Betty Moore Watercolors

Welcome to Betty Moore Watercolors

Friday, November 15, 2013

What a mess

 As an adult I rarely left my parents' home without some kind of gift.  On occasion maybe I just couldn't use another dozen eggs, or no, I probably wouldn't cook a deer roast.  They liked to give you something though, and I liked that.  This is a pastel that I painted probably in 2004.  The gift that day was a "mess of turnips".  I remember as they were being dug thinking "wow, those are beautiful, I've got to paint them" (I sure wasn't going to eat them).   The painting has hung on my kitchen wall
since then.   I like it more with each passing year.

I'm not sure if it is the colder weather (the turnips would need to be pulled before it frosts) or if I am feeling sentimental with the holidays coming up, but I wanted to paint the turnips again...kind of like going home again.
 Watercolors this time instead of pastels.
Purple on  a vegetable, that is just amazing to me.  This mess was indeed a beautiful gift.
Thanks for sharing this little slice of my life.

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