Betty Moore Watercolors

Welcome to Betty Moore Watercolors

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stranger in the Night

I see this guy nearly every night at the lake (when it isn't frozen).  Haven't had a formal introduction, but I feel like I know him.   He is not particularly friendly,  he stands in the shallow water, and never looks my way or makes a move as I drive by.  He is a familiar stanger in the night, but still a stranger.  I've never seen him in the light of day, so I painted him pretty much as I have seen him.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
 This painting has sold
going to a new home on Vashon Island Washington
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 30 of 30 paintings in 30 days!!! "Big Deal"

Hey, I made it!  I completed the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!  Today's painting  "BIG DEAL"
because this challenge has been a big deal for me!  I have really pushed myself to try some new techniques and step outside my comfort zone a bit.  I still love the birds.  I like to paint them soft and sweet with a calming background.  To celebrate the end of the challenge and my continued love of painting the seagulls, I painted Big Deal today and he is BIG.  Much larger than my ususal paintings, measuring 20" x 20"!  That is a large watercolor in my books.  I painted my beloved sweet and soft guy, just big.  Thank you to all that have followed me through this challenge, the support has been appreciated.  I invite you to continue to follow my blog as I will be posting new paintings.  LIKE my facebook watercolor page too for updates
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Just to give you an idea of Big Deal's size
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 29 of 30 in 30 days "Picture Day"

Wow, day 29 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!  This has been a good experience for me.  I sure appreciate the support and encouragement that I received along the way!  Thank you.  Today, "Picture Day", more of a bird portrait I would say.  This guy looks rather handsome posing for this shot.  My soft turquoise background and soft grays with an occasional spot of color keeps him calm and peaceful. 
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 28 of 30 paintings in 30 days "Day Dreamer"

Well, it is day 28 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge that I am participating in through January.  I painted a new little friend today, "Day Dreamer".  This seagull was painted from a photo that I took at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinois.  I think he looks like he is dreaming of where he might fly away to next.  Definitely mulling around some options in his mind.  I can relate.
This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 27 of 30 in 30 days "Nodding Off"

This is day 27 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge through January.  Today, "Nodding Off".    I painted this little guy from a photo that I took at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinos.  Of course there wasn't really a turquoise sky or water, but I like turquoise.   And I like to paint birds soft and sweet.  I like this little guy, hope you do too!
This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 26 of 30 in 30 days "Tips"

Well, here we are on day 26 of this 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!  Back to the bottles,  "tips"  today.  I have had fun painting the bottles, they really allow me to loosen up and just paint!  the tops are in shadow, the tips name comes from that (still making references to hair, just 'cause I started with it).   Indigo bottles and nice red orange labels make a really strong statement to me.  These bottles are saying  "here we are, and we feel good"!  I guess you had to be there to get that, but in stepping past my usual conservative ways with painting, that is what I see.  Thanks again for following me through this month, just a few days left! 
   This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 25 of 30 in 30 days "Seagulls again"

Okay!  Day 25 of 30 paintings in 30 days.  "Seagulls again" today.  I like to paint seagulls.  Seagulls and the ocean just go hand in hand to me.  Even though I took this photo at the sailboat marina near my home in Southern Illinois, the seagulls took me a little closer to the ocean than Rend Lake!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 24 of 30 in 30 "Tex"

Day 24 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!!!   Today's painting is "Tex".  Thank you to Rita Arcieri for the photo of this stately Pelican.  You just have to respect (or fear) a guy with this attitude, he's pretty serious looking.  I hope you enjoy him.

 This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 23 of 30 in 30 days "Trumpeter"

This is day 23 of the Thirty paintings in 30 days through January challenge that I am participating in.  Yesterday my painting was "guests on the lake"  a number of huge swans like the ones I saw on the lake where I live.  Today, a single Trumpeter Swan.  These swans were just huge and regal, and honestly a sight to behold.   I hope you enjoy the paintings of the swans.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 22 of 30 in 30 "Guests on the Lake"

Day 22 of thirty paintings in 30 days through January.  Today "Guests on the Lake".  I got to see the Trumpeter Swans on Lake Benton.  I had heard that they were here, our guests.  I counted 13 of the huge birds gliding about with no concern for me.  It was a very moving experience.  I know they won't stay for long, they are just guests.
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 21 of 30 in 30 days "Lucky"

Today is #21 of 30 paintings in 30 days.  My painting for today is "Lucky".  Another seagull, and again, I feel lucky to be painting!  The white birds are just my favorites.  I saw the birds standing on the ice on the lake today, lots of them.  I hope to paint some of them this week!
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 20 of 30 paintings in 30 days "Destin blue"

Day 20 of 30 paintings in 30 days through January.  Today's painting "Destin Blue".  Another painting from my Destin vacation photos.  This blue heron was standing on top of a shed on the road to Dewey Destin Seafood, same place I took the seagull/tern "Dewey" that I painted a couple of days ago.  There were several of these large birds, I loved seeing them up close.  I used a very transparent watercolor technique for this painting, keeping it soft and using bright pleasing colors rather than the actual grays and blues of the bird (which I also love). 
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 19 of 30 paintings in 30 days "Rose colored Destin"

This is day 19 of thirty paintings in 30 days, a challenge I am doing in the month of January.  Today's painting "rose colored Destin".  This past winter a trip to Destin Florida found it gray and overcast most of the time.  We did not get to see the beautiful cool blue waters that are common there.  BUT, we were on vacation, and we were at the ocean, so we pretty much were looking at the world through rose colored glasses.  Not much is bad when you can hear the ocean.  So, as I looked through the vacation pics I thought I would show you the site from our balcony!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 18 of 30 in 30 "Dewey"

This is day 18 of 30 paintings in 30 days through January.  Today "Dewey".  I took this photo in Destin last March, outside of Dewey Destin Seafood.  Now this is the way to live, sunning on the bay!  If you know my work, you know I have painted quite a few seagulls.  I just don't get tired of them, they are a symbol of vacation to me.  I even enjoy the ones in town in the big parking lots!  So, I hope you enjoy Dewey and I have some more vacation paintings coming up so come back!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
The real Dewey
Thank you for sharing in the little slice of my life

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 17 of 30 in 30 "Up top"

Today is day 17 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge I am doing through January.  Today, another Pelican from my friend Dave.  This guy is on a roof top, taking everything in.  I love how calm these big birds appear, then when they have had enough they fly away.  This painting is a little larger, 10 x 13, but actually a study for a larger yet painting!  A large painting is a little scary, but I am pushing myself during this challenge, so watch for the MEGA PELICAN!  I could have said lol after that, but that's not me.  Anyway, I am so enjoying painting and I hope you are enjoying following me as I paint through January (I hope you continue after January too).
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 16 of 30 in 30 "just bread "

This is day 16 of thirty paintings in 30 days, and I am glad to be on the down hill slide!  Today's painting, "just bread" is another one that really "just happened".   As I reached for the plate of leftover bread I had my next painting.  I love these blue plates with seashell shapes, this is not the first time a painting developed from food that just happened to be sitting on these dishes.  A few simple pieces of bakery french bread with holes and uneven edges.  I love simple little shots of real life, it is a treat to capture them!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 15 of 30 paintings in 30 days "still waters"

This is day 15 of the thirty paintings in 30 days challenge that I am doing through January.   Today, "still waters" this brown pelican is all alone, and I think he is quite satisfied.  I painted this from a photo my friend David took.  The reflections tell that the water was very still that day.  Looks like a peaceful place to hang out on a rock!  I love to paint birds, and I have another shot of a pelican that I intend to do very soon.  Thank you for following me as  I paint through January!
This painting is available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 14 Thirty paintings in 30 days "Give me the bird"

This is day 14 of 30 paintings in 30 days through January, a challenge I am participating in.  Today...Give me the bird!  I have struggled for several days with my paintings.  Painfully.  But today, my friend, David Walters sent me some photos of birds that he had taken.  He has a magnificent collection as he is an avid birdwatcher and photographer.  If you are familiar with my work you know I have painted several birds.  I don't really know why they work for me, but they do.  So, I was so thankful when these new subjects came along.  I don't know what this guy is,  but today, he is my friend!  Please consider this an open invitation to give me the bird, it will more than likely make my day!

Painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life.

Day 13 of Thirty paintings in 30 days "Di's Bleeding Hearts"

Day 13 of  30 paintings in 30 days through January.  "Di's bleeding hearts" was painted from Di Winson's photograph.  She captured a beautiful shot of nature. 

Painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 12 of Thirty paintings in 30 days "Sunday at Grandma's"

This is day 12 of the 30 paintings in 30 days through January challenge that I am doing.  Thank you for following along.  The picture was taken in the spring of 1958 in my Grandma's yard.    How my Mother did it I will never know.  She claimed six children was her plan.  I was #5.  I am not experienced in painting figures, but I am pushing it during this challenge.  It is sweet to me, faded like the memories.
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 11 of thirty paintings in 30 days "Frosted"

I am on day 11 of the thirty paintings in 30 days!  Back to the Pellegrino bottles, lots of, turquoise, yellow, red-orange and green.  A couple of vintage metal baskets are in the background.  These bottles have a "frosted" look (back to my original reference to hair).  The frosted blue bottles were fun to paint, I really didn't know they were going to look frosted, so once again I learned something on this painting.  Thank you again for following me as I paint through January.
PS...I will be painting every month this year, but I am using this month to branch out and loosen up with my painting.  It feels good.
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 10 Thirty paintings in 30 days Zippin along!

Day 10 of the thirty paintings in 30 days and I must say I am zipping along!  Long before I painted I sewed.  I started sewing when I was 10 years old.  Sewing became very natural to me, I say "I sew by sight" like some people play music by ear.  I don't sew very often anymore, but when I do I love it.  I ran across this vintage zipper that I had saved when looking for something recently.  I picked it up and it brought back sweet memories for me.  Memories of when zippers still had metal teeth and REALLY messed up the sewing machine when you got into them!  My sweet Mother (a master at the machine) would have to help me out of that one every time.  I couldn't hardly leave that zipper where I found it.  I wanted to work with it in a new way, I wanted to paint it.  Simple subject with simply wonderful memories for me.  I hope you like it.  Thank you for following me as I paint through January.
Original is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 9 Thirty paintings in 30 days "Lunch at work"

Well, this is day 9 of the 30 paintings in 30 days.  This painting came along by chance after my lunch which included a banana!  I didn't have a plan when I laid the banana peel on my palette, just in a hurry to get back to my painting.  Later I noticed it by chance and yes, I had to paint it.  So there it is, day 9.
This painting is available in my Etsy shop

Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 8 Thirty paintings in 30 days "Christmas Lighthouse"

Hey I am into week 2 of the thirty paintings in 30 days!  This has been a good thing for me.  I switched subjects today, the bottles are on hold for a day or so.  For today I painted an old island lighthouse, rusted, dilapitated and I think quite wonderful.  I would love to spend some time in the islands researching these lighthouses!  Probably won't make that trip any time soon, but it was a nice excape while painting this one.  Hope you enjoy it!
Prints are available in my Etsy Shop
Thank you for sharing in this little slice of my life

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 7 Thirty paintings in 30 days "Dark Roots"

This is day 7 of my thirty paintings in 30 days through January.  This painting is "Dark Roots".  If you have been following my challenge, you know that I am letting my hair down while painting these Pellegrino bottles.  Allowing the watercolors to be loose and casual.  These bottles are dark brown, sepia,  beside the brighter gold, hence the dark roots name.  This painting is larger than the others I have done lately, it measures approx. 12 x 16 inches.   I do hope you are enjoying my paintings and my sense of humor!  I am having a good time.
this painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this slice of my life

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 6 - Thirty paintings in 30 days "washed out blonde "

Today is day 6 of the thirty paintings in 30 days challenge that I am doing during January.  It is not unusual for me to paint at least one painting each day, but this pushes me to paint one that I feel I can share, that is the challenge for me.  Today I have done another version of the Pellegrino bottles that I did on day 3.  Really letting my hair down with these bottles, #1 was "hairy carrie" if you recall, and this one is "washed out blonde".  I have to say I am looking forward to the next one.  Washed out blonde is made up of just 3 paint colors.  The soft Aureolin yellow is the blonde and Cobalt turquoise light is the watery color.  Indigo sets the stage for the two colors to stand out.   I hope you like this painting, and like me are looking forward to the next one!  Leave a comment for the name of a "let your hair down" painting, I will try it!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
 Original has sold - prints in Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this slice of my life

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 5 of thirty paintings in 30 days "You say peony, I say piney"

This painting is very special to me.  Peonies were my Mother's favorite flower.  We had big pink blooms covered with big black ants at the side of the house every summer.  I have picked many bouquets to be stuck into a mason jar.   A mason jar of peonies were often taken to the cemetery for my grandparents' grave.  We used mason jars before mason jars were cool!  I was an adult before I heard this flower pronounced as "peony".  My Mother was from Arkansas, and she said "piney"!
"Go pick some pineys" she might say.  Well, I know now most folks say peony, but me, I say piney!
Mom, this piney is for you!
This painting is available in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!

Day 4 of thirty paintings in 30 days "Hairy Carrie"

Hey, it's day 4 of the challenge and boy am I having a good time with this!  Today's painting, "Hairy Carrie"  is  loose and free wheeling  as Harry Caray was once described.  At least it is loose by my standards.  I am using this challenge to push my watercolors to be a bit looser.  This painting could have been very photograph like, but I decided to make it a hairy carrie instead!  I hope you enjoy this, I intend to paint these bottles a few times before I crack them open! 
 Please enjoy or excuse my sense of humor!
Hairy Carrie is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3-Thirty paintings in 30 days "Everyday Angel"

Today is my cousin Jimmy's birthday.  He was born just two months before me.  There were 13 of us cousins, and Jimmy and I have always been close.  So, on this third day of the thirty paintings in 30 days I painted my angel food cake for him!  I call it MY angel food cake because it really is.   I have made many, many of these angel food cakes.    This is my "everyday" cake. I make it for birthdays and funeral days and lots of other times too.  Here is one I made for a watercolor workshop. 


  Over 30 years ago a wonderful country woman, Dot, shared her angel food cake icing recipe with me.  The cake is actually just a vehicle for the icing.  You pour the icing on and it drips down the cake and puddles in wonderful crusty piles of salty, buttery sweetness.  The cake always goes on this yellow plate.  But today I made my old standby in a new way for Jimmy's birthday, I am starting 2014 out by taking the angel for a walk on the wild side!

"Everyday Angel" watercolor is available in my Etsy shop
Original has sold
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!
And Happy birthday Jimmy!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2 "Party's over"

Day 2 of the 30 paintings in 30 days
New Years Day we had a little get together.  A great way to start the new year, visiting with special friends.  We ate and drank and visited for hours, it was really nice.  As I cleaned the kitchen after our friends had left, I spied a treasure on the counter.  The little plastic sword pics for drinks were scattered over a napkin in a burst of color.  Laid out like "Pick up sticks" from long ago (anybody remember that game?).  They were turned every which way and I knew I had to paint them!

It was a fun day, and a fun painting!
Prints of "Party is over" available in my Etsy shop
Original has sold
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1 of 30 paintings in 30 days!

I am participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  I invite you to stay tuned as I attempt a painting a day everyday throughout January.  Day 1 is another bird painting, an egret done in soft grays with my well loved aqua background.   Bright eyed serious guy. 
This painting is for sale in my Etsy shop
Thank you for sharing this little slice of my life!